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Dr. Matthieu Chidharom

Attention and Efficiency 
Postdoctoral Researcher - The University of Chicago


I completed my PhD cognitive neuroscience in 2021 at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) - University of Strasbourg in France under the supervision of Anne Bonnefond. One month after defending my doctoral thesis, I started my first postdoctoral position with Nancy B. Carlisle at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania. Since 2024, I have been a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Chicago, working with Edward K. Vogel and Monica D. Rosenberg.


My research aims to better understand the human attentional system and the mechanisms underlying efficiency in goal-directed behaviors.


To this end, I investigate the neuronal basis of cognitive control. More specifically, I try to comprehend how these control mechanisms enable us to maintain sustained attention over time and avoid lapses of attention, as well as how they allow us to effectively select relevant information and suppress irrelevant information, such as distractors.


Thus, two main questions guide my research: 


Why does our attention fluctuate over time?


Why do some individuals have greater attentional abilities than others?

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